Invited Talks
August 2024: Dueling keynote on the state of security awareness with Perry Carpenter, Chief Security Awareness Evangelist with KnowB4 ConnectCon, Las Vegas.
April 2024: Best practices for reviewing research papers in a program committee: NSA symposium on the Science of Security (HotSoS).
August 2023: Humans are NOT a blackbox: Our understanding of human cyber risk, Army Research Office sponsored workshop at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering.
May 2023: The Saint and the Schizophrenic. MIT CAMS.
February 2023: The Weakest Link and Beyond: Understanding, Identifying, and Protecting Users from Social Engineering. The Cognitive Security Institute.
May 2021: Diagnosis Before Prescription: An Evidence-Based Approach to Solving the People Problem of Social Engineering. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and National Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA).
September 2020: Point-Counterpoint Debate with KnowB4’s Javvad Malik on the Effectiveness of Security Awareness Training. Infosecurity Magazine’s Summit, London, England.
July 2020: Recognizing Good AI: Policy, Business Models and Our Future. Invited talk at the 601 Club, Seattle, Washington.
December 2019: Instilling Cyber Hygiene Among Users and Creating a Culture of Cyber Safety. Invited Black Hat webinar sponsored by ExtraHop.
August 2019: What’s Missing in the Federal Government’s Spear Phishing Testing and Training Approaches. Digital Government Institute’s 7th annual 930gov Cyber IT and Security Conference in Washington, DC.
July 2019: Social Engineering: Using Cognitive-Behavioral Scienceto Protect People from Phishing. Keynote delivered at the 2019 Asian Conference for Criminal and Operations Psychology organized by the Home Team Psychological Services at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore.
June 2019: Human Cyber Vulnerability: How to diagnose, detect, defend the weakest links in enterprise security. Annual meeting on Security and Human Behavior (SHB) organized by Bruce Schneier, Ross Anderson, Alessandro Acquisti, Harvard University.
December 2018: Phishing attacks and trends in the era of cloud computing. Closing keynote at Digital Government Institute’s 12th Annual Cloud Computing Conference.
October 2018: Why do people fall for spear phishing? Invited by Raymond James Financial, St. Petersburg, Florida.
July 2018: Joint US House and Senate Cyber Security invited academic panel: Role of the User as a Human Firewall in Protecting the Assets of the US Senate and House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
May 2018: A 911/211 System for Cybercrime? On behalf of CSN at the APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research 2018, San Diego, CA.
April 2018: Stopping Spear phishing: How You Can Practice Good Cyber Hygiene at the United States Senate. Invited by the US Senate Sergeant at Arms, Washington, D.C, and live broadcast to Senate offices in all 50 states.
March 2018: Incorporating Human Cyber Vulnerability Assessment into Your Threat Assessment Model. Invited Black Hat webinar sponsored by PhishMe’s Co-Fence.
February 2018. Diagnosis Before Prescription: Giving Users The Anti-Phishing Training They Need. United States Senate, Washington, D.C.
September 2017. Conducting Human Cyber Vulnerability Assessments. Reflection/Projections: UIUC School of Engineering annual technology conference.
July 2017. “Why Most Cyber Security Training Fails and What We Can Do About It.” Black Hat, Las Vegas, August 2017.
April 2017. “Spear phishing: How It Works and Why People Fall For It.” Inholland Alkmaar, Netherlands.
October 2016. “Understanding Why People Fall Victim to Spear phishing.” The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab.
August 2016. “Blunting The Phisher’s Spear: A Risk-Based Approach For Defining User Training And Awarding Administrative Privileges.” BlackHat USA 2016.
March 2016. “Strategic Communication Before, During, And After A Cyber Attack: Perspectives From The Adversaries And The Defenders.” Drexel University.
February 2016. “Spearphishing: The Single Biggest Threat to Cybersecurity and How We Can Combat it.” National University of Singapore.
December 2015. “Protecting Cyberspace from Spear phishing.” US Army Cyber Institute, West Point, NY.
November 2015. “Design-Related Problems In Securing Cyberspace.” NSA/OSTP/DHS-Special Cyber Operations Research and Engineering (SCORE) Interagency Working Group.
October 2015. “Suspicion, Cognition, Automaticity Model of Phishing Susceptibility.” University of Florida.
April 2015. “Security in the Internet Community: What the Sony Hack has to do with all of us.” UB Alumni Association.
March 2015. “Barriers to adoption of anti-phishing technology.” National Security Agency (NSA).
November 04, 2014. “Social media: Exploring Habits.” Institute for Social Research (ISR), University of Michigan, Ann Abor.
November 29, 2013. “Phishing attacks on social media: Causes, consequences, and mitigation strategies.” University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany.
December 10, 2013. “Getting phished on social media.” MYRA School of Business, India.
October 4, 2012. “Phishing attacks on social media: Causes, consequences, and mitigation strategies” Mark Junck Research Colloquium, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
November 30, 2011. “Individual differnces in phishing susceptibility.” International School of Information Management, University of Mysore, India.
December 12, 2007. “TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE AND USE: A Confrontation of Contemporary Scientific Models.” Speakers include Dr. Viswanath Venkatesh, Professor, University of Arkansas; Robert LaRose, Professor, Michigan State University. International Conference held at the University of Twente, Netherlands.
November 29, 2007. “Research on the Adoption of Health IT.” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
May 6-7, 2006. “Innovation diffusion as it relates to the diffusion, adoption and use of psychiatric treatment guidelines/algorithms. ” Keynote by Dr. Ted Shortliffe. Invitational Symposium on Diffusion, Adoption, and Maintenance of Psychiatric Treatment Algorithms, Buffalo, NY.
April 27, 2006. “Barriers to EHR Adoption among WNY Physicians.” Buffalo Academy of Medicine.
April 25, 2006. “Asian leaders in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities.” Diversity and Leadership Panel Series.
November 30, 2005. “Barriers to EHR Adoption among WNY Physicians.” Medical Health Informatics Speaker Series, Buffalo, NY.